The other day I discovered a very unused magic bullet sitting all by it's lonesome on the shelf. So, armed with a few recipes from the internet and a quick trip to the supermarket I set on a journey with a few bumps and lumps of smoothie making.
The first week went well. Sticking to the recipes and using the common formula of ice & fruit with the occasional scoop of ice cream thrown in to help make it that much better was going great. The first week routine quickly turned from common to obscure ingredients in the second week. Flaxseed? Why not! Whey powder? The guys use it! Spinach? Can't taste it! Then came the day I heard about kale. It comes from the cabbage family and instead of forming the typical head, it forms these tight leaves that bunch together. Always interested in trying something new I decided to give it a go. Another trip to the market and I was back with kale.
Half way through my third week of making smoothies, I joined my sister on a trip to get some groceries. As we were chatting and making our way through the produce isle I wandered off in search of more kale since my supply was running low. When I found it, I stopped dead in my tracks. The kale I was currently using looked more like swiss chard and nothing like kale. Then a big light went off. Instead of using kale, the ultimate superfood, I was putting swiss chard into my smoothies instead!!! The weird thing is, swiss chard hides suprisingly well in them. In complete shock I quickly told my sister what I had been doing and she burst out laughing. Only then did I actually grasp how funny it really was!
I definitely learned my lesson that night. Next time I should carefully read the description by the item instead of quickly grabbing something that sorta resembles what I'm looking for.
-- Jill