Wow, these past three weeks in Orlando have just flown right by. I can't believe that this Friday I will have offically been here a month! My friend that I met during my first few weeks here actually left to go back home because her program ended, she was here 7 months and she said the time just goes quick. I have the day of today so I'm just taking it easy. I'm going to have to head to the outlet mall this afternoon and buy a dress. A couple of us from work are going to the California Grill this Thursday and we're getting dressed up for it. I'm pretty excited to go! Last night 6 of us went to the cinema to go watch Tangled 3D. It was a good movie, had some nice laugh out loud moments. Work has been rather slow lately. Considering the park was at capcity on New Years Eve (close to 78,000 people) it has seemed rather quiet with only roughly 27,000 people walking through our gates. The weather has been warming up here which is much appreciated by everyone here although some people from South America still think it's cold and come to our attraction wearing parkas and mitts which is funny. Now I got to go and get ready to do some serious shopping!
from Florida with love,
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