
Paul Reevre & the Raiders

I had so much fun while I was home in Saskatchewan!! It was so nice to see everybody and have some good home cooked meals. I don't think there was any point in the week that I wasn't eating haha.  Like I always say, the more time I spend away from Saskatchewan, the more proud I am to call it home and to really appreciate it when I do get a chance to get back to my roots.  If I missed seeing anybody, I'm sorry and next time I come home we'll have to get together!  The flight home was easy and I didn't have any trouble at customs. I was glad to get back to my house and see all my friends.  Although the day I got in I had to get ready and head out again. It was one of my friends last night in Orlando and we had a going away party/ throw out.  I was completely exhausted by the time I got to bed (close to 1 am) since I  had almost been up for 24 hours.  Work started the next day and I had to just keep trekking on until my day off! 
During the Flower and Garden festival here at Epcot we also have weekly concerts held at the American Gardens infront of American Adventure.  I was lucky enough to land a spot working on Friday while Paul Reevre & the Raiders played.  They play such songs as "Cherokee Nation" and "Kicks" along with some other ones that I wasn't familiar with.  Paul Reevre is actually hilarious, half of their show is just the band talking and joking with each other.  They played three shows and all of them brought in a full house.  Another thing that kept me up was the wedding of William and Kate.  6 am came rolling around and my roommate was up watching the wedding.  That day we went to work and the UK pavillion was handing out free food and cake as well as champagne.  I was talking to some of my UK friends and they said that it was proud day to be British.  That was definitely a good way to end the week off! Since today is my only day off I plan on doing laundry (finally!) and going grocery shopping as well as doing some much needed napping.  I heard that there is another cold snap coming to Saskatchewan, I'm glad I got to visit while it was somewhat warm and sunny.  Hope yall are enjoying the last few days of Easter holidays!

from Florida with love,

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