
Sittin on the balcony drinking ice tea ...

What a lovely day!  Just sitting here on my balcony in a t-shirt and shorts drinking ice tea while writing.  What a life!!  I would keep going with this but I feel like if I did nobody would read this anymore.  Sooo I'll just keep going with what I've been up to these past few days.  As you all know I've been off these past 6 days and it's been great.  Got to sleep in lots, shop and finally get the moutain of laundry done.  Feels good to cross off everything on your to do list.  Last night we did a scavenger hunt in my apartment complex.  It was a lot of fun.  I'm pretty sure the people we woke up by knocking on their apartment doors and asking for random objects like cucumbers and phone numbers weren't to impressed by it.  In the end we didn't win but we now have 23 photos documenting our trek across the commons.  Tonight is a throw out and one of my good friends from merchandise is leaving.  My throw out is slowly creeping up.  Yesterday I booked my one way ticket back to Saskatchewan.  It took me about 5 minutes before I could actually press the purchase button, but I managed to do it.  Now the next step is to figure out how I am going to pack my life up at the end.  I will definitely need to buy another suite case.  Well, I just spilt ice tea all over my shirt so I guess that's a sign that I should go and get ready for mini golfing and supper. 

from Florida with love,

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