
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading


A few months ago one of my good friends introduced me to TED.  It is a nonprofit organization devoted to ideas worth spreading.  It was a small conference that started out in 1984 connecting people from three areas: Technology, Entertainment, Design.  Ever since then the conference has been growing each year with one conference taking place in Long Beach and the other one in the UK.  More than a thousand people attend and it often sells out months before the event actually happens.  Over the course of four days, 50 speakers have a 18 minute time slot to tell their story.  However, there are many short ones that include music, comedy and performance.  The mission is to spread ideas.  They believe that with the power of ideas we can change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So TED.com is like a powerhouse of it all.  Where you look up talks, find out about events and even learn how to organize one yourself.  The link above is a talk that I watched yesterday.  I was interested in it because I had been watching Charlie Todd on youtube on the channel "Improv Everywhere."  So when I stumbled upon him giving a talk on TED I wanted to share it.  The talks have now expanded into culture, arts, science, global issues and more.  They range from funny, inspiring, persuausive, courageous and down right fascinating.  So if you have time today I strongly encourage you to check out TED.  Happy holidays!

from Florida with love,

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